Monday, August 2, 2010

Negociatas by Lúcia Prancha & Sara Nunes Fernandes


Negociatas by Lúcia Prancha & Sara Nunes Fernandes

A new blog born of the collaboration between artists Lúcia Prancha & Sara Nunes Fernandes. The first is in residence in São Paulo, Brazil, the second lives in London. At the moment, and till the end of August they are both in São Paulo and this blog is a way to organize what once was scattered on skype and gmail – ideas, references and also the starting points of an exhibition that will open in Lisbon in October. It will be titled “Não te esqueças que o Roland Barthes até é um gajo fixe porque escrevia as coisas com o coração aceso mas que também tinha cabeça” (something like “Don’t forget Roland Barthes is kind of a cool guy because he wrote with his heart on fire and he had his feet on the ground too”)

Check it HERE



Diogo Filipe Filipe said...

so precisei de ler até "Roland Barthez"...tou lá!

Susana Pomba said...

eh eh